For videos older than those, which are posted here, please visit our Facebook Videos Page.
- Christmas Eve At Concordia (12/24/2021) - This is our most recent Christmas service. Please enjoy. View/Read More
- Hymn Singalong for Trinity Sunday-Holy God We Praise Thy Name (6/7/2020) - Sing along with us on this beloved Hymn. View/Read More
- Hymn Singalong- Holy Spirit, Ever Dwelling (5/31/2020) - Sing along with us on this hymn for Pentecost-the birthday of the Christian Church. View/Read More
- Hymn Singalong- Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious (5/24/2020) - Sing along with us on the Ascension Hymn, "Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious." Also featured is a prelude of the same title by Paul Manz. View/Read More
- This Is The Feast-Singalong Video for Sixth Sunday of Easter (5/17/2020) - This setting of "This Is The Feast," set by Richard Hillert, is found in Divine Service, Setting 1 in the Lutheran Service Book. View/Read More
- Singalong-Built on the Rock (5/10/2020) - This hymn holds a special meaning to the members of Concordia. It was also a special request for Mother's Day. We pray that when the church bells ring again, we can gather together to sing this hymn and many others. In the meantime, we all sing from our own homes with our families and praise our God from whom all… View/Read More
- The Lord’s My Shepherd-Hymn Singalong (5/3/2020) - The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1 Please sing along with us on this hymn for Good Shepherd Sunday. View/Read More
- Sing with us-Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia! (4/26/2020) - Text: 1977 Howard S. Olson… View/Read More
- I Know That My Redeemer Lives-Easter 2020 (4/12/2020) - Sing along with us! Job 19:25 I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth. Even though we are all apart at this time, we can rejoice in the one who has redeemed us-Christ Jesus our Lord. Today, we sing separately in our own homes. Soon, we will sing together in our… View/Read More
- Easter 2019 (4/20/2019) - View/Read More
- Fall Fest 2018 (9/22/2018) - View/Read More