The motor finally consumed the last drops of fuel. A final puff of smoke came out of the pipes. It was exhausted!
Puns aside, when my motor runs out of fuel, when I am exhausted, my soul is weary. Having neither the desire to complete the task, nor the energy to proceed, my momentum comes to a halt. What has happened?
Perhaps I could focus on the amount or the composition of the fuels I’ve been using. Have I eaten too much, or too little? Did I swallow drinks that contained toxins that rapidly depleted my strength?
Maybe the reality is that I’ve not been taking care of my “machine.” Despite my dreams of being superhuman, I live with a body that needs exercise and sleep, movement and recuperation. The stages of life and exercise change with the activities and the years.
Like a moth drawn to a flame, I have an appetite for staying awake to watch flickering images on a screen or backlit digital displays. Thank God for the people who provide us electricity and lights and computers! But sometimes my hunger for more images and sounds keeps me awake and away from sleep.
Jesus of Nazareth, speaking in another time and a different country, spoke an invitation that seems directed to worn-out and wearied folks like me. “Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 NIV)
Those words are directly in line with what David wrote in Psalm 23: our Shepherd Lord restores the soul. Moses had received the promise directly from the Lord: “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” (Exodus 33:14 NIV)
The Lord invites us, especially when we are weary, to find rest and restoration in His presence and power and promises. St. Augustine is reported to have written: my soul knows no rest until it finds its rest in the Lord.
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus Christ, living Word of God, speak to my heart of your mercy and grace. Lord Jesus Christ, living bread from heaven, fill me with strength and revive this weary body of mine. Lord Jesus Christ, the Resurrection and the Life, revive me again; grant me a new heart and a new spirit. Lord Jesus Christ, you are my peace, my rest and my energy. Amen.
Please take the time to listen to Psalm 62.
Sometimes I try to keep pushing through in my own strength instead of resting in Him.
Sometimes I try to keep pushing through in my own strength instead of resting in Him.